The Admiral of the Port’s Trafalgar Dinner 2024

Friday 18th October at The Grand (formerly Grand Café)

The Cachalots are organising another Trafalgar Dinner this year, the sixth such annual event (except for two years due to Covid restrictions). It is open to all those in the local maritime community and to indicate the inclusivity of the event it is called the Admiral of the Port’s Trafalgar dinner because the incumbent Lord Mayor holds that title. The main purpose of the black tie dinner is to raise funds for the Southampton Sea Cadets and the Mayors of Southampton have all supported that cause by attending the previous functions. So far, the event has raised £6755 for the SSC. The Dinner is not intended to be a fund raiser for the Club, which just hopes to meet its costs. The ticket price includes the hire of the venue, the cost of drinks reception, the meal and incidental costs to the Club.
This year it has been set at £69, an increase of £4 on last year, due entirely to the increase in the catering costs.
The money for the SSC is raised by a Grand Draw for just one significant prize, usually a modern electronic/digital device generously donated by the Southampton Shipowners Association. Attendees are invited to make a donation to partake in the draw.
The format of the evening is that the Cadets form a welcome guard to receive guests to the drinks reception held in the splendidly restored lobby of what was the South Western Hotel, the premier hotel for passengers in the glory days of the trans-Atlantic passenger liners.
After the attendees are piped to dinner, the Lord Mayor and party will process to their table, Grace will be said and the meal served. Following which the Principal Guest, Rear Admiral Iain Lower CB MA AFNI, the new Deputy Master of Trinity House, will give the Toast to the Immortal Memory of Lord Nelson. Then the Grand Draw and as in the previous two years we will finish with some nautical entertainment with audience participation.
So, not a formal Trafalgar Dinner, RN style, but then we are basically MN and the evening is our own blend of the formal and informal and we do know how to enjoy ourselves.
All of the above is leading up to us asking you to please support this years Trafalgar Dinner. Partners, friends and colleagues are welcome. Tables are rounds of ten but we can accommodate any numbers, or individuals, and will endeavour to ensure that you are seated suitably.
Time, perhaps, to meet those like minded people and other marine professionals.
So, put Friday 18th October firmly in your diary and help support not only the SSC but the Club also in its efforts to maintain its profile within the greater local maritime community.


The Admiral of the Port’s Trafalgar Dinner 2023

Friday 20th October at The Grand (formerly Grand Café)

The dinner was held successfully and was enjoyed by 129 attendees, raising £1175 for the Southampton Sea Cadets. A report appears in The Cachalot #105.


A very successful dinner, billed as the Admiral of the Port’s Trafalgar Dinner’ was enjoyed by 114 attendees at Grand Café, South Western House, Southampton, on

Friday 21st October 2022

The Prize Draw, for an iPad generously donated by the Southampton Shipowners Association, raised £915 for the Southampton Sea Cadets.

We look forward to holding the next Trafalgar Dinner on the 20th October 2023 (prov)